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[–] 12 pts

It's impressive when you think just how fast the jews managed to destroy the US. What one maybe two generations?

[–] [deleted] 13 pts

It took four generations of women voting to get us to where we are now. No one in the spotlight realizes the damages of women's rights on Whites.

[–] 5 pts

The arabs.. the sandnigger jews the Muslim sand nigger arbs understood perfectly.

Why do you think Islam has their women locked down. If white males really wanted to get the ball rolling we would en masses convert to Islam. Create a new sect and keep the good shit. Like women have no rights but fix the bad shit.

[–] [deleted] 9 pts

> convert to Islam

Why rely on Abrahamic methods? Traditional European religion controlled degenerate fornication and arranged monogamous marriages for women. In the White system, women knew their place supporting the lives of their men. (sourcebooks.fordham.edu)

We need to go back, and burn the (((bridge))) that let things get so bad.

[–] 1 pt

Sandniggers were always right about women and faggots

[–] 2 pts

You spelled "4 generations of importing non-Whites" wrong. It's not women voting that caused this issue. It's the 90 million non-Whites, 40 million niggers and 12 million jews that caused it.

Women voting didn't give us the 1965 Immigration Act, kikes existing in our country did.

[–] 4 pts

The coffin has more than one nail, fren

[–] [deleted] 1 pt (edited )

You vastly misunderstand the tools of jewish subversion. It's not even debatable.

Look up the start date of women's suffrage in Germany. Look up the start date of Weimar. Post results. Try to make a connection.

Again, you're not seeing the *process *of subversion, or at least you're refusing to acknowledge it.

The jews always want to subvert White society. That goes without question. So then, why didn't they bring on the mass immigration of shitskins in the 1800s? Why didn't they legalize gay marriage in 1965? Why wasn't abortion legal in 1907? Why is pedo fuckery still illegal despite them wanting it? Why not push for equal numbers of men and women in the workforce in 1890? Why do they push for senators who want more diversity for America, in states like Vermont without diversity?

The frog slowly boils. Benchmarks like women's suffrage and mass shitskin immigration are pivotal in the slow boil. Learn this or perish.

[–] 4 pts

They've been working on it sibce 1761...

[–] 12 pts

I think civil war Era or maybe the first national Bank attempt..

The constitution should have started like this.

  1. No jews
  2. No jews in America ever
  3. Absolutely under no circumstances do we the people allow jews in america.

The rest wouldn't matter America would still be 90 to 95% white and doing just fine. With out jews the Civil War would have been ended with all blacks being removed and sent to africa.

[–] 14 pts

Without jews the blacks wouldn't be in America in the first place.

[–] 9 pts

That is why the kikes had Lincoln killed. He made it very clear he was sending the niggers back.

[–] [deleted] 2 pts

>> The constitution should have started like this.

> 1. No jews

Unfortunately, even the American Revolution was largely financed by them. (en.wikipedia.org) You need to go back further than the American constitution.

[–] 1 pt

thats what all the places they came from did inquisitions (portugal, spain, Brazil, etc.), so preventing that type of legislation was always goal #1 everywhere they went in the New World

[–] 0 pt

Read no. 3 as circumcision at first

[–] 0 pt

Alexander Hamilton tried the first national bank. Madison created the 2nd national bank, Andrew Jackson crushed it. When asked about his greatest accomplishment as president, he replied "I KILLED THE BANK!"

Often this is reported as his last words, but his last words are equally prophetic. “Be good children, all of you, and strive to be ready when the change comes."

[–] 4 pts

Not really. The same things happened in Rome. The same things happened in Wiemar. This isn't some new game they've never played before. It took thousands of years of practice and decades of preparation for those two generations to be as bad as they were.

[–] 0 pt

I'd say closer to 4 generations, things didn't really start falling apart until the 60's.

[–] -1 pt

how fast the jews

Catholics. Jews are low level fags, but I get you.

[–] 1 pt

The beard thing bothers me.. real fighting men. A man going into a situation where he could be in a life or death fight would not want a beard for multiple reasons.. easier to choke out. Could be grabbed and used as leverage. Gas mask won't fit securely or easily. I'm sure there are more.

[–] 3 pts

Beards are mostly a White guy thing. Other races can grow them, depending on how much White DNA is in them. Might be a good way to tell at a glance who's on your side. Other than that, yeah, much as I hate to say it, having a beard is bad for modern combat.

[–] 1 pt

Sand niggers grow pretty solid beards...

I had a conspiracy... they started pushing beards so our millitary men could be more respected in sand nigger countries... think of the time frame

Half the special forces guys I watch videos of look like damn hippies. Long hair and beards. Strange to me.

[–] 1 pt

im not sure i understand this picture. is this a white family being hunted by jews or niggers?

[–] 1 pt

I keep thinking that one of the things really holding white people or white men back is women being afraid of violence.

Women- some of you really need to be told to let their men be men and take care of the protection duties they need to do to defend the family. And that means using violence sometimes.

[–] 0 pt

It is ingrained in them. Violence gains them nothing directly, and so it is useless for them. Hence why most of them cannot comprehend the inherent violence of their men.

[–] 0 pt

Related: Did you know that Tom Hayden proclaimed that all White people should be dead back in like the 1960's? He didn't say this as a teen, but as like a 30 year-old man. What a turd.

[–] 0 pt

Do we all have to have beards ?

[–] 0 pt

I feel racism isn't needed, merely antisemitism.

[–] 3 pts


[–] [deleted] 2 pts

judeo-realism. i'm slapping that shit on everything.

[–] 0 pt (edited )

Some faggot with a red beard isn't going to do it either.

I just did 10 pushups like a faggot out of 80. I'm not going to save you either. Only you can save you.

E: Try to save yourself and your family. No one else will.

E2: I showered yesterday. My arms still reek, lol. And I am Pollack and Nordic ... wtf.

[–] 0 pt

Fuck this faggotry. We are White. There is NO RACE!

[–] 0 pt

Doesn't that guy hunt pedos?

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