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There is a new Bruce Willis movie out called Cosmic Sin, but you haven't even heard about it. That's because the cast is all White. Hell, even the writers, producers and director are White. Not a single name ending in berg or stein in the whole bunch. The only non Whites at all are 3 uncredited bit part actors. The HollyWood Jewish elites must be furious.

Another interesting point about the movie is its plot. An alien race is coming to destroy earth so instead of waiting, the humans go on the offensive to save the entire race. Sound similar to what Whites are experiencing today?

Here is the full cast and crew list if you doubt me... https://www.imdb.com/title/tt11762434/fullcredits/?ref_=tt_ov_st_sm

There is a new Bruce Willis movie out called Cosmic Sin, but you haven't even heard about it. That's because the cast is all White. Hell, even the writers, producers and director are White. Not a single name ending in berg or stein in the whole bunch. The only non Whites at all are 3 uncredited bit part actors. The HollyWood Jewish elites must be furious. Another interesting point about the movie is its plot. An alien race is coming to destroy earth so instead of waiting, the humans go on the offensive to save the entire race. Sound similar to what Whites are experiencing today? Here is the full cast and crew list if you doubt me... https://www.imdb.com/title/tt11762434/fullcredits/?ref_=tt_ov_st_sm

(post is archived)

[–] 2 pts

Check out Koma (Based Russian movie)

[–] 2 pts

You're right, that was a pretty good movie, thanks. It being Russian helped with the lack of kike propaganda. That and another Russian sci-fi movie called "The Blackout" were the last movies I watched in late 2019 I think. That one was where power goes out around the world except this one Russian city and all communication with the rest of the world is lost and beyond the city is a dark zone nobody returns from. That one was pretty decent also.

There were two other ones I remember that I almost watched but ended up not watching called "Attraction" and its sequel "Attraction 2: Invasion". The main guy from "Koma" is in both of them, but I remember there was something about them that I didn't end up watching them - I think it was that they seemed to be a strange love story with a barely sci-fi alien attack, though maybe not.

There was also a strange movie I recall watching called "Portals" about solid black, door-sized monoliths appearing all over the world and people disappearing into them, except for one guy who was the only one to return from one and he had a solid black eye and other strange effects. That one seemed like it was several stories of different groups of people and their interaction with the monoliths. It seemed more like a bunch of different ideas the writer(s) had that were all thrown together with no real cohesion to the plot and a strange ending that didn't make sense (to me) with the rest of the film and felt like "well, we ran out of money and need an ending so this'll work." I'd recommend passing on that one, personally.

[–] 1 pt

Thanks for the suggestion. I’ll take a look at it later.

[–] 0 pt

Attraction and it's sequel, Invasion are exactly what you described, but I still enjoyed them somewhat. They're alright for a lazy Saturday.

Another one based in Russia is 'The Darkest Hour'.

[–] 0 pt

Thanks for that information on the Attraction films. I wasn't sure if I was recalling why I didn't watch them accurately or not. I wrote them down again to maybe watch one day.

Thank you for that recommendation on The Darkest Hour also. I don't like 'teen' actor kinds of young adult films like they started to push out to subvert the younger generation. That movie seems too influenced by kike pedowood for my liking.

I looked a little into who is in that movie and it stars Olivia Thirlby, Emile Hirsch, Max Minghella, Rachael Taylor, Joel Kinnaman, and Veronika Vernadskaya.

  • Kike - Olivia Thirlby
    Was in Dredd with Karl Urban in 2012 that pushed for females in law enforcement after doing The Darkest Hour in 2011. She's a faggot kike and did faggot films and was in a faggot show on the cable Shoahtime channel all about being a faggot to push degeneracy as normal.
  • Kike - Emile Hirsch
    He was in a film called The Girl Next Door that pushed degeneracy as normal and the acceptance of whores as good people and women that are desirable.
  • Kike - Max Minghella
    Has done kike films pushing kike propaganda also.
  • Rachael Taylor
    Sexy Australian that was in the first Transformers film. I can't find anything about her being a kike, but she's acted in things that push degeneracy, 'female empowerment', emasculation of men and other kike propaganda.
  • Kike - Joel Kinnaman
    Was in Suicide Squad and the Robocop reboot so that says a lot too. A lot of other kike degneracy and propaganda-pushing films as well.
  • Veronika Vernadskaya
    Seems to be actually Russian, but has not been in many films at all so not a lot of information on her.
[–] 2 pts (edited )

Check out the Russian movie "Furious" (2017), you'll like it. "Sputnik" (2020) is also nice. I recently watched "Dracula Untold" for the first time and thoroughly enjoyed it!

[–] 1 pt

Dracula Untold is basically the closest thing to actual history that Hollywood has ever made.

No, he didn't turn into bats in real life - but the battles, their names, the castles, his relationship with the sultan, his brother, his wife and the road of 10.000 impaled turks are all real. His passion (against) the turks is also correctly depicted, and even the actor himself is within reason of what the Romanian people think of when thinking about Vlad the Impaler.

Hollywood turned him into a blood sucking monster so this movie kinda restored a bit of faith in the movie industry - since for 110% of his people, he's still considered the greatest ruler they've ever had, with monuments and statues all over Transylvania to this day.

[–] 1 pt

They also did a great job portraying the Janissaries. The only sad thing about the movie is that most people are just too brainwashed and informed to understand it.

[–] 0 pt

Dracula Untold is still one of the few movies that I can re-watch semi-regularly as I thought it was very good for many of the reasons you stated and others.

[–] 1 pt

Thanks I will. You don't happen to have a link?

[–] 0 pt


You can find it on popular torrents.