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There is a new Bruce Willis movie out called Cosmic Sin, but you haven't even heard about it. That's because the cast is all White. Hell, even the writers, producers and director are White. Not a single name ending in berg or stein in the whole bunch. The only non Whites at all are 3 uncredited bit part actors. The HollyWood Jewish elites must be furious.

Another interesting point about the movie is its plot. An alien race is coming to destroy earth so instead of waiting, the humans go on the offensive to save the entire race. Sound similar to what Whites are experiencing today?

Here is the full cast and crew list if you doubt me... https://www.imdb.com/title/tt11762434/fullcredits/?ref_=tt_ov_st_sm

There is a new Bruce Willis movie out called Cosmic Sin, but you haven't even heard about it. That's because the cast is all White. Hell, even the writers, producers and director are White. Not a single name ending in berg or stein in the whole bunch. The only non Whites at all are 3 uncredited bit part actors. The HollyWood Jewish elites must be furious. Another interesting point about the movie is its plot. An alien race is coming to destroy earth so instead of waiting, the humans go on the offensive to save the entire race. Sound similar to what Whites are experiencing today? Here is the full cast and crew list if you doubt me... https://www.imdb.com/title/tt11762434/fullcredits/?ref_=tt_ov_st_sm

(post is archived)

[–] 6 pts

I've completely ignored any kike "entertainment" for a long time now, but I'm getting it now and will give it a try. It would be nice if it isn't filled with anti-White kike propaganda, but I'm expecting it to still be there even with what you've noted about it.

[–] 2 pts

Check out Koma (Based Russian movie)

[–] 2 pts

You're right, that was a pretty good movie, thanks. It being Russian helped with the lack of kike propaganda. That and another Russian sci-fi movie called "The Blackout" were the last movies I watched in late 2019 I think. That one was where power goes out around the world except this one Russian city and all communication with the rest of the world is lost and beyond the city is a dark zone nobody returns from. That one was pretty decent also.

There were two other ones I remember that I almost watched but ended up not watching called "Attraction" and its sequel "Attraction 2: Invasion". The main guy from "Koma" is in both of them, but I remember there was something about them that I didn't end up watching them - I think it was that they seemed to be a strange love story with a barely sci-fi alien attack, though maybe not.

There was also a strange movie I recall watching called "Portals" about solid black, door-sized monoliths appearing all over the world and people disappearing into them, except for one guy who was the only one to return from one and he had a solid black eye and other strange effects. That one seemed like it was several stories of different groups of people and their interaction with the monoliths. It seemed more like a bunch of different ideas the writer(s) had that were all thrown together with no real cohesion to the plot and a strange ending that didn't make sense (to me) with the rest of the film and felt like "well, we ran out of money and need an ending so this'll work." I'd recommend passing on that one, personally.

[–] 1 pt

Thanks for the suggestion. I’ll take a look at it later.

[–] 0 pt

Attraction and it's sequel, Invasion are exactly what you described, but I still enjoyed them somewhat. They're alright for a lazy Saturday.

Another one based in Russia is 'The Darkest Hour'.

[–] 2 pts (edited )

Check out the Russian movie "Furious" (2017), you'll like it. "Sputnik" (2020) is also nice. I recently watched "Dracula Untold" for the first time and thoroughly enjoyed it!

[–] 1 pt

Dracula Untold is basically the closest thing to actual history that Hollywood has ever made.

No, he didn't turn into bats in real life - but the battles, their names, the castles, his relationship with the sultan, his brother, his wife and the road of 10.000 impaled turks are all real. His passion (against) the turks is also correctly depicted, and even the actor himself is within reason of what the Romanian people think of when thinking about Vlad the Impaler.

Hollywood turned him into a blood sucking monster so this movie kinda restored a bit of faith in the movie industry - since for 110% of his people, he's still considered the greatest ruler they've ever had, with monuments and statues all over Transylvania to this day.

[–] 1 pt

Thanks I will. You don't happen to have a link?

[–] 0 pt


You can find it on popular torrents.

[–] 3 pts

runtime: 88 minutes

[–] 3 pts
  • Distributed by Saban Films
  • Formed in 2010 by Haim Saban, Saban Capital Group owns Saban Films
  • Haim Saban is an Israeli-American media proprietor, investor, and producer of records, film, and television

He also made Power Rangers!

[–] 0 pt

White power ranger that was originally the green jew power ranger

Red native power ranger

Black nigger power ranger

Yellow asian power ranger

Blue jew power ranger

Pretty hard to unsee

The red one (Jason Geiger) doesn't look like a Jew, but I could be wrong. I can't find anything about him.

The white/green ranger was Jason Frank, and he claims Greek, Polish, Irish and German ethnicity.

I noticed the Yellow/asian and black/black thing when I was 8 years old!

The Yellow ranger died in a gruesome car accident in 2001. :(

[–] 1 pt

Every first world country is White founded and we are 10% of the Earth population of humans. Without White people it all goes to shit.

[–] 0 pt

What about Japan and South Korea?

[–] 2 pts

The Japanese and Koreans are bright enough to run first world countries but they didn't invent the modern day model. Japan were westernized in the 1800s with help from Europeans. It was a conscious choice on their part. Japan was also occupied after WW2 and their industry directed by western powers. South Korea has a similar history of occupation and "guidance".

[–] 0 pt

Exactly. They are honorable Aryan's.

[–] 1 pt

Just watched the trailer. They have a Q-Bomb and want to drop it from orbit :) Trust the plan!

[–] 1 pt

Looking at producers I see at least 2 Jew names. What are you smoking?

[–] 0 pt

Wait what? Which ones?

[–] 0 pt

I don't know about the names but two producers work for Saban Films.

[–] 1 pt

I checked out Rotten Tomatoes. There's only one review, which gave it 2/5 stars; said it was good acting but the story dropped off and got confusing after the beginning. With Willis I'm sure if it were a good movie it would've been in theaters; as it is, it's going straight to DVD. I may catch it at some point, we'll see.

[–] 0 pt

He's been doing a ton of low budget direct to video stuff lately. If you have amazon prime there's a bunch of Bruce Willis movies on there that I had never heard of. All of varying quality.

[–] 0 pt

Isn’t that a nigger girl in the picture? Would be nice to have movies without the constant need to portray niggers as glorified humans. At least be honest in the movies. Like have them steal bikes, or cause violence in fast foods. Raping white girls. Trying to rap and hit on white girls for conquesting.

[–] 0 pt (edited )

Watched it. The movie was pretty bad all around and in every way, but there weren't any niggresses in it that I saw (maybe one in the background someplace during a scene or two with extras standing around). Not sure which picture you are looking at though. If it's a picture of a female with yellow yarn mixed into her braids that is C.J. Perry and she looks very light-skinned in 'reality' and is a WWE "wrestler". In the movie she looks like she showered in some bronzer or something to simulate being 'dirty' because she plays a super capable stronk wahman soldier who strolls around in the woods on an alien planet carrying a super rifle in the air with one hand like it's made of styrofoam.

There is a male nigger scientist shown in a video feed the characters watch, and a male nigger captain in charge of a squad of 'soldiers' on the one planet.

If there is a 'main character' in the film it isn't Bruce Willis like it seems, but the STEM quantum tech science girl as most scenes and the roles of most other characters revolve around her character, her job, giving her advice, protecting her, relying on her expertise.

I just wrote out a wall of text about all of the dumb shit in the movie and outlined many of the ways that it was bad. I just got to number 32 on the list with plenty more wrong that I was going to continue writing out and said fuck it and erased it. It's bad. I already wasted my time watching it, I'm not wasting more of my time saying why it was a waste of my time.

[–] 1 pt

I see thanks. I like watching movies and some shows. Just noticing all this sjw portrayal of women and diversity crap that doesn’t sit right. Like Star Trek. Haven’t even watched the new one because of the sjw reviews of it. Sad. I miss the Kirk days big time.

[–] 0 pt

...but Bruce Willis is a kike...but i guess that you already know that, hey Bubba.

[–] 0 pt

He’s a neat guy.

Bruce Willis is a punk ass bitch. Couldn't think of a worse actor for playing a tough guy.

BTW why did you spend your gofundme money on a rifle?

[+] [deleted] 0 pt
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