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[–] [deleted] 6 pts

The problem is that no one can earn enough for that arrangement anymore and still have a healthy family life, feminism cut wages in half.

[–] 4 pts (edited )

Exactly. Feminism was the first 'we need more immigration' to lower wages.

Its always been about keeping wages down.

[–] [deleted] 3 pts

Well, there is also the "Ruby Ridge" thing, too.

Whenever Whites try to just buck the system and go it alone (start over from scratch, you know), the feds come crashing down on them.

But you know what? how often have Whites actually tried that? I only know of the ""ruby ridge" and "WACO" example, maybe we need to try doing it a lot more.

Lets go on the darkweb, or deepweb, find some community that's willing to form an off-grid village, if there isn't one, maybe some enterprising Aryan can make one such movement.

If it fails or gets raided, we start another, and another, keep going at it, and whenever the feds try and shut it down, we simply kill them, and learn from past mistakes, spare none of them, not one gets to live or get away, once the conflict is done, abandon the settlement immediately, move deeper into unsettled lands, and start over, because they will return to the scene.

Form a militia there, prepare for guerilla war, when ready, send out initial teams on smaller scale operations, including bringing in more people from the inside to the outside (liberation), performing sabotage, and acquiring supplies (by stealing them, and then hiding them, and leading the feds away from the cache, another team then comes in and picks up the stuff, while a third works to retrieve the first team and cover their tracks).

Real viet cong type shit.

[–] 1 pt

"buck the system and go it alone"

Stop going alone, it is too vulnerable. Waco was just a handful of Whites minding their own business and brought the government to their knees when they dropped by, ultimately forcing them to burn alive dozens of people including children to save face.

What Whites need is a social media with maximum anonymity and that cannot be censored, which fortunately should materialize soon as one operated within the decentralized blockchain. Only then can we come together and form plans for action without legal TOS stipulation.

[–] 0 pt

So where do I sign up?

[–] 1 pt

Well... You can... But you have to live within your means - and chicks have been pushed so hard into materialism, that they cant fathom living that way. Hence "tHErEs a ShORtaGe of EcOnoMiCalLy aTtrAcTiVe Men!!!"

[–] 0 pt

Women have historically worked, at least part time, while raising children. Cottage industries have been killed by regulation, and avon type opportunities are not profitable.

[–] 1 pt

Yeah, they took in washing, sewing, or tended a garden. Today roasties sell their dirty panties and even feces online (I wish I were joking).

[–] 1 pt

My grandmothers made cheese and kept hens for profit. I doubt they would be legally allowed to sell cheese made in the basement, or compete with current egg prices.

[–] 0 pt

Yes, once they put women in the workforce with the marxist propaganda of so called "women's rights", then they cut the wages.

[–] 2 pts

Women have been brainwashed by leftist Jews for so long, they can't think straight. The modern feminist movement was a Jew-led movement. What did it preach? That woman are the same as men (false). That women can do anything men can do (false). That woman need to deny their natural biological function of motherhood in order to be happy (false). That by trying to look like men, talk like men, act like men, and do the things men do, women can achieve the full flower of their womanhood (false). Feminism is all lies, but thanks to the brainwashing in the media, most women believe those lies without ever really thinking about them.

It's not hard, they are the perfect cult victims. It's a part of their whole survival strategy to conform to their immediate social environments, so surrounding them with people who create an illusion of a particular social consensus makes them fall in line right and proper. Then if you got some pretty young White girls brainwashed, you can use them to get horny or lost young men into your cause by using waifus to tickle their reptile brains. Cults and Abusive relationships tell you everything you need to know about how the kikes operate, they also serve as perfect illustrations for the relationship of Whites to every other race on the planet, as we are collectively the victims you'd find trapped in a cult or abusive relationship, all the same tactics are being applied to us as a race, as would be applied to the individual victims in either or both of these situations. If you'd want to make a politically incorrect work of media to communicate to the masses, and are smart enough to avoid the shut-down switches that Jews install in their heads, this might be the best kind of inspiration an artist could work with. Remember, abusers and cults both play the victim in order to victimize others.

[–] 1 pt

"I am a strong independent woman, just like all the media told me! I'll go to work too, but don't you dare stay home because I'm the mother!".

"let's have you stay home with the kids, while I go and earn us a living." "are you sure? I don't want you to see me as less of a man for doing a woman's role" "stop being sexist, there's nothing I find sexier than a man who is strong enough to be able to disregard society's constructed standards of gender roles, besides, keeping a home and caring for kids is one of the hardest and most important jobs in the world, there's nothing feminine about it! I just love seeing a man cry, I think it's so sexy!"

four years later:

after years of sexlessness in your marriage and increasing amounts of abuse and resentment from your wife (who has now morphed into an unbearable bitch), you catch her getting gangbanged by her male co-workers and "friends": Chad, Tyrone, and Abdul. Live and on camera, after she accidentally left it on at the office "Well, how dare you slutshame me for wanting to satisfy the needs you can't fulfill, it's all your fault for not being like a man! I don't find you attractive anymore, so I'm taking the kids you raised and the house you kept, and you won't be able to get any money from me in the split, so you better get out and find a job when you are pushing your mid-40's!"

There's a reason we instinctively know not to listen to a word a female says, not even an individual woman herself can agree with herself on anything! women lack self-awareness, they are hyper-socialized, and lacking in identity, they aren't in touch with their own instincts and biology, and when those millennia of evolutionary programming finally surface, they refuse to take responsibility and instead blame the men around them for treating them like full and equal people, rather than protecting them from themselves.

On that note: GetCynical is a fed shill who banned me as soon as I mentioned leaked internal orders for online shills, look out for him.

[–] 0 pt

Women are a literal dichotomy.

Lots of shills around here, and I'm open to speaking to each and every one of them.

[–] 0 pt

I'm not fucking speaking to you

[–] 1 pt

The problem is that our women have become mud sharks. It’s nearly impossible to find a good woman to make a family with. Unless you move to South America and in that case you’re not really helping the white race.

[–] 0 pt


Out out out

In in in

[–] 0 pt

(real world) 'You take care of the children, and I...'-----'NUH-UUUUUH! FUCK DAT! WHERE DA WEED AT?'

Continue spreading the news of the jews.

[–] [deleted] -1 pt

You remain one of thr most idiotic lemmings I have ever witnessed.


Pathetic. You're not human. You're a fucking drain on resources, a net negative. You have no idea how bad things really are and will die for your ignorance.