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Thanks for all the updoots everyone. I am so glad I found poal. This place has brought me through many hard times with well sourced information, great memes, and high effort content from a lot of people.

I wouldn't be here without many hard working people who mostly believe similarly to what I believe. Our common virtues and values lead to greater and greater success with more investment, but even if you are busy producing children rather than memes, you can still benefit from what is shared here.

It still sucks when faggots like @picman subvert the conversation with stupid questions about space and noticing bubbles and sheeeeit. Science says we are traveling around the sun. You are making us all look stupid.

Thanks for all the updoots everyone. I am so glad I found poal. This place has brought me through many hard times with well sourced information, great memes, and high effort content from a lot of people. I wouldn't be here without many hard working people who mostly believe similarly to what I believe. Our common virtues and values lead to greater and greater success with more investment, but even if you are busy producing children rather than memes, you can still benefit from what is shared here. It still sucks when faggots like @picman subvert the conversation with stupid questions about space and noticing bubbles and sheeeeit. Science says we are traveling around the sun. You are making us all look stupid.

(post is archived)

[–] 4 pts (edited )

> Science says we are traveling around the sun...

Science also says the vaccine is safe and effective. Did you get your Jim Jones Juice and juice boosters? There's as much "proof" of one theory as there is for the other. Seriously, go look for actual proof of either. Both are theories, not laws. Theories do not make proper science until they are absolutely proven. I'm beginning to believe both are true mathematically. What would a 3 dimensional being look like in a 2 dimensional world? What would a 4th dimensional being look like in a 3 dimensional world? How would they view the world? The gnostic texts state man was thrown down to the lowest level of existence. Basically we're spiritual beings that were thrown into a lower dimensional plane. We experience reality in the limited manner this dimensional plane allows. I'm willing to bet you're one of those that doesn't look beyond what the basic school curriculum programs you with. Else you'd see there is no true scientific "proof" of either theory.

Either way, congrats on your Internet points.

[–] 3 pts

I'm willing to bet you're one of those that doesn't look beyond what the basic school curriculum programs you with.

I hope you are being sarcastic. I was. I like your summation, and I think making it clear we dont know some things is okay is important. Sorry if that sentence is confusing. For example, I am not sure about the nature of our reality, and your explanation could be true. I am nearly 100% sure that we are not on a ball in a solar system. We are special and here for a reason, and for a purpose. Your explanation addresses one of those requirements of reality. I would be interested to know what you think our purpose is.

[–] 2 pts

I apologize. I'm incredibly dense sometimes. People skills aren't my best attribute so I'm sad to say I misread that and missed the sarcasm.

I've spent the last year trying to disprove flat earth. I couldn't. So then I spent time trying to absolutely prove the globe. This is also impossible. So then I began digging into my knowledge of mathematics. Ultimately the description I gave is very basic, but I think it may be on the right track.

What do I think our purpose is? Well that's complicated. Angels were created to glorify God. This is why they are said to constantly singing praises. I believe man was made to fellowship with God. I'd imagine if I were the only sentient being then I'd be near madness from being alone. But I am a mere human so it's hard to fathom what God would think or feel. There's been times in my past that I considered that God fractured himself during creation. Possibly to split all aspects of darkness coalescing into Satan and the fallen. I don't believe that now. I wish I had the answers. I've been digging into every scrap of ancient writings I can get my hands on. I've done this most of my life. Once again, sorry for not picking up on your sarcasm. I'm a retarded niggerfaggot most days.

[–] 1 pt

I think that if you wanna know the truth about our past figure out the pyramids and what Tesla meant with the meaning behind 369. Just looking at media i suspect we are batteries for other species or slushies but that is our mortal self if they can't acess life essence.

(im deep down a rabbit hole atm).

My biggest question atm is what is religion could it be some technical logical thing that has been passed on and with time become twisted to worship and faith. There is a lot of similarites with the tesla coil wardenclyffe tower and the cross also the black sun symbol etc.

[–] 1 pt

No apologies necessary fren. I should have said /s but then picman might have thought I didnt think he was a faggot.

[–] 1 pt

Making is all look Stoopid. Fixed it for you.

[–] 1 pt

Sometimes a troll is just a troll. Leave @picman alone it's not his fault! He was born that way!

[–] 1 pt

I'm not a troll though.

[–] 1 pt

Sweet, let's breed.

[–] 1 pt

let us breed

what are you, gay (vid8)?