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There is nothing to celebrate when a coal burner dies. This is a White Sister lost to (((propaganda))). It is unfortunate and something I hate the jew for.

In a Pure White Society They would have birthed several beautiful White babies.

For those with piss poor reading skills, I’m not happy there are coal burners!

There is nothing to celebrate when a coal burner dies. This is a White Sister lost to (((propaganda))). It is unfortunate and something I hate the jew for. In a Pure White Society They would have birthed several beautiful White babies. For those with piss poor reading skills, I’m not happy there are coal burners!

(post is archived)

[–] 4 pts

Modern White women are whores

[–] 2 pts

Only because white men have been targeted heavily by propaganda and bullshit laws to make them not men.

[–] 1 pt

I’m very word specific sometimes and when I read whore I see a girl on onlyfans/hardcore porn/working a corner.

If by whore you meant slutty, then yeah I would agree. But that is what they are by nature, given their most important contribution to Society is having babies. This, obviously, requires them to be fucked by men and in doing so needing to attract said men.

[–] 1 pt

Hypergamy is hardwired in their tiny heads. Our ancestors knew how to control them, we have forgotten. THANKS, HIPPIES!!

[–] 2 pts

And half of them suck

[–] 1 pt

Thanks for sharing, OP.

Attacking coal burners and ignoring kikes is like attacking a fever and ignoring the infected wound causing it.

Both suck, but one problem is bigger than the other.

[–] 1 pt

Well said. Since the time of my redpilling via voat, I’ve always maintained that the number one issue that MUST be addressed first is the jew.

They are the ones compelling Whites to import more shitskins. They are the ones pushing propaganda from miscegenation to the tranny queer shit. They are public enemy number one.

It’s like being in a hole with somebody and trying to climb out while they are still digging.