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[–] 4 pts

We don't know how to write fiction.

Are you high? All the good fiction is written by Whites.

In fact, the death of Hollywood currently taking place is largely due to White writers striking then being replaced by jews, who are absolutely DOGSHIT at writing fiction.

Every single fucktarded fiction movie/show/book you can imagine was written by a kike, because they are absolute shit at writing good stories.

The new Soy Wars that is universally considered to be absolute shit? Written by a kike.

The Game of Thrones seasons that everyone hated and got a lower IMDB score than random Z-tier direct to video movies? Written by two kikes.

The list fucking goes on, not to mention that the actual good portions of the aforementioned IPs were in fact, shocker, written by Whites originally.

Correct, but also not.

You are right in that jews cannot create, and the most fiction is made by other races, typically high-iq individuals like whites and asians.

Jews are a corporate-minded species, they do not create, they acquire things and merge them with their own copy-pasted ideology.

They take what others create, and alter each of them in the exact same way, the changes wrought to an acquired property are always the same.

Jews have no originality, they have one thing, which is their poison, and it's the exact same unoriginal poison every time that gets injected into everything they infest, to the point that you can see the jewish influence if you know what to look for, because it's always the same changes they are making each time.


On the other hand, Jews have a large amount of people from other races pumping out content that they can take, and put their trademark twist on.

And a large army of indoctrinated non-jews who will do the work of making content with a message that is pro-jew and anti-white, all on their own.

It's gotten to the point where the yids barely need to do anything, since every work submitted to them is going to be pozz'd by default, you can just assume it's all going to be SJW-friendly and you'd be right 99% of the time.

[–] 0 pt

You inspired me to look up the Lord of the Rings movies, based on the work of a great White writer. Guess (((who))) owns the rights and produced the movies. Explains why the best bit of the book was cut: when the lads get back from the war they find the Shire is corrupted and they sort that shit right out. Can't have the goyim exposed to that sort of story

[–] 0 pt

Guess (((who))) owns the rights and produced the movies.

But that's a retarded argument when you're claiming that jews are good fiction writers. Jews didn't WRITE LotR, a White man did. Buying the rights decades after he died isn't some fucking brilliant work of authorship.

[–] 0 pt

you mis understand. I was saying a great book was subverted and kiked when hollywood filmed it. not that jews write good fiction. I am not saying jews write good fiction. Most of the stuff they make is degenerate and subversive

My take on the LOTR movie was it was propaganda for the war on terror. Orcs and Sauron representing muzzies etc. It is not surprising they took out the cleansing of the shire. It might make vets uppity when they come home and see the corruption and the kikes dont want that