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Posted on April 4, 2021 Even Those Who Would be Trad Wives May Miss Their Chances Liv Heide, April 4, 2021


Looking at the sign-up ratio at my website WhiteDate.Net of 12 traditional white men for every traditional white woman, one might think women have all the choices and men must compromise if they hope to find a partner in the crime of creating a white family.

But, white ladies, don’t be overconfident. White trad wives are the most desired creatures on the planet, but many white women still manage to blow it because they have never been told the rules that were invented by our female ancestors to protect their daughters. Even when men have fewer choices, they will still be men, even those who have the vision to create a family and build their own white clan.

In the early stages of dating, it is the woman who defines the pace and direction of a relationship, and it is she who can bewitch a man so that he does not even know why he feels so attracted and sees this lady as the mother of his children rather than a fling. She dresses and behaves in a feminine way and is pleasant to people around her. Long, hair, modest but chic clothing, and a lovely smile are always assets. She encourages a man to make further moves without overloading him with information; she would rather let him find out step by step. A wise woman does not pressure a man. She would not take the initiative to suggest a date, ask for his number, call, or offer her precious body. She makes herself elusive but is sweet and smiling. If he disappears she can make a move after a few weeks — a nice text message, or an email. She lets him retake the initiative if he wishes.

The white woman should be reactive, which is the opposite of the sexually aggressive, dominant, promiscuous, vulgar, emotionally empty woman that modern media have taught us to be: “Just be yourself, throw yourself over him, and it will magically work out”. It won’t. Men appreciate women with standards and values they want transmitted to their children even if they themselves are not 100 percent up to these standards. Women set the bar.

Many Western men are horrified when they look at what has become of our women. I plead guilty myself for, as a white woman, having been manipulated in my youth by movies, television programs, and music. I acted in harmful ways. But then I began to define what I wanted, understand what led to results and what didn’t. I learned that our grandmothers were right.

I wish our men could help us become better versions of ourselves by explaining what makes us attractive. Unfortunately, reality is different. We must discover who we are, and whom we want to attract. Men must do the same. Fish do not tell fishermen how or when to cast their lines. Fishermen must figure this out for themselves. And we must always be strong enough to resist the call of vulgar modernity and respect the natural order our ancestors understood.

Posted on April 4, 2021 Even Those Who Would be Trad Wives May Miss Their Chances Liv Heide, April 4, 2021 WhiteDate Looking at the sign-up ratio at my website WhiteDate.Net of 12 traditional white men for every traditional white woman, one might think women have all the choices and men must compromise if they hope to find a partner in the crime of creating a white family. But, white ladies, don’t be overconfident. White trad wives are the most desired creatures on the planet, but many white women still manage to blow it because they have never been told the rules that were invented by our female ancestors to protect their daughters. Even when men have fewer choices, they will still be men, even those who have the vision to create a family and build their own white clan. In the early stages of dating, it is the woman who defines the pace and direction of a relationship, and it is she who can bewitch a man so that he does not even know why he feels so attracted and sees this lady as the mother of his children rather than a fling. She dresses and behaves in a feminine way and is pleasant to people around her. Long, hair, modest but chic clothing, and a lovely smile are always assets. She encourages a man to make further moves without overloading him with information; she would rather let him find out step by step. A wise woman does not pressure a man. She would not take the initiative to suggest a date, ask for his number, call, or offer her precious body. She makes herself elusive but is sweet and smiling. If he disappears she can make a move after a few weeks — a nice text message, or an email. She lets him retake the initiative if he wishes. The white woman should be reactive, which is the opposite of the sexually aggressive, dominant, promiscuous, vulgar, emotionally empty woman that modern media have taught us to be: “Just be yourself, throw yourself over him, and it will magically work out”. It won’t. Men appreciate women with standards and values they want transmitted to their children even if they themselves are not 100 percent up to these standards. Women set the bar. Many Western men are horrified when they look at what has become of our women. I plead guilty myself for, as a white woman, having been manipulated in my youth by movies, television programs, and music. I acted in harmful ways. But then I began to define what I wanted, understand what led to results and what didn’t. I learned that our grandmothers were right. I wish our men could help us become better versions of ourselves by explaining what makes us attractive. Unfortunately, reality is different. We must discover who we are, and whom we want to attract. Men must do the same. Fish do not tell fishermen how or when to cast their lines. Fishermen must figure this out for themselves. And we must always be strong enough to resist the call of vulgar modernity and respect the natural order our ancestors understood.

(post is archived)

[–] 5 pts

Oy Vey! That’s antisemitic!

[–] 2 pts (edited )

So true.

But massive cloning or artificial sperm egg combining and using artificial wombs for gestation on a massive scale is now the only solution to keep the white european race going.

There simply isn't enough time for people to figure this out and go back to having 5 to 9 children per family.

Remember its all about having tons of kids. Its not about the romance. What you describe is the romance. But no where do you follow up with a discussion that says you want to have five kids. Or that you value having a large family. That's what it really is all about.

No. Two or three kids isn't nearly enough.

So mass cloning or invitro conception with artificial wombs for gestation (which it turns out have been successfully made since the 1960s and are easy) Is the answer. You can have 8 of them going in your house at once just like having 8 fish tanks. And in 9 months open the bags up to your new children. And frankly they are easier to maintain than a complicated saltwater fish tank. Turns out the embryos do it all given sufficient nutrients and oxygen in a plastic bag.

[–] 1 pt

Trad wives can work if both parties commit to making it work. The wife cannot be a harpy the minutes her husband gets in the door after a long day of work. The husband should have a clean house, dinner being prepared and happy kids and in return he takes care of the family finances. Any large decisions should be made together but the husband should get the final say. As a woman you serve and service your husband. A happy,satisfied man doesn't stray and vice versa so communication is key.

[–] 1 pt

One of the key points in the trad life is that women trade their young, fertile years for a man's later, more productive years. Too many women are trying to act traditional after they've hit the wall. You will find them in every church.

[–] 0 pt

This is Europe not America

I looked up a dating app the top app on playstore the first listed

Was some app with 4.5 stars black singles looking for a black man.

I'm not even joking! Wtf

[–] 0 pt

Long, hair

Long hair is infinitely more impractical than medium or short hair. Little girls have long hair - women have hair that doesn't require them to spend hours a week keeping it tangle free, washed and conditioned.

She would not take the initiative to suggest a date, ask for his number, call

Is the author retarded? What kind of nonsense is this? Does the author want women to be either forever alone or together with men that only care about pussy?

There are men that don't actively seek companionship because they're busy being productive. They don't mind company, they just don't dedicate energy to finding someone that will spend her time with him. Look at Nikola Tesla - a guy was so busy inventing and trying, naively, to save the world (which he would have gotten away with, if it weren't for the slimy, greedy "businessman" Edison) that he spent his life alone.

Were his genius genes not worth reproducing?

The author suggests ignoring people such as Tesla and instead waiting to get picked up by some random hunk. Since the author suggests using discrete manipulation to get the hunk interested, she is suggesting that the man is of lesser intelligence than herself. Imaging having to fight to get together with a dumber partner.

No, you stupid, weak woman. You'll have to do better than that.

[–] 4 pts

Lol. You think keeping long hair is too much work and effort for anyone but a little girl. I should've known the rest of what you had to say would be drivel.

[–] -1 pt

What a great cop out from having to reply to any of my arguments.

What do little girls have lots of, that grown women tending to a house / farm don't? What does it take lots of, for long hair, that takes exponentially less of, for short hair?


Having only had short hair your whole life because of peer pressure, you don't know such things.

[–] 2 pts

I run a small farm, milk goats daily, have three children whom I home school, and I'm also currently prepping our old house for the market.

My hair is well below my elbows, and it has been that way almost my entire life.

It takes nothing to braid and pin it up when you're doing things where it might get caught up. Let it down when work is done or going out.

This is the way women have done it for ages. I recall a great grandmother who also had a small farm, who had hair even longer than mine.

Just because what you see on the television tells you to do things a certain way because it's easier doesn't mean that everyone is as lazy as you.

[–] 0 pt

If Nikola Tesla wanted a woman he could have gotten one. They way you word things its like he was blocked from reproducing.

Isnt it up to women to decide if they want long hair or not? I know some like to take the time with long hair and some cuts it because it takes to much time its their time and they can prioritize it how they want.

And lastly isnt she talking natures way? The man shouts for the girl?

"Just be yourself, throw yourself over him, and it will magically work out" Is this an american thing? Only seen trash go after trash never heard of a sophisticated woman do this.

No, you stupid, weak woman. You'll have to do better than that.

You're already asking too much. White women in 'trad circles' are bereft of responsibility and expect their men to shape up and fix everything just like women in every other circle.

[–] 1 pt

'Learned helplessness' is real.

[–] 0 pt (edited )

"I acted in harmful ways. But then I began to define what I wanted"

This is the whore's Bible verse I swear

What did you do, and how does "figuring out what you want" mean I need to give a fuck?

[–] 1 pt

It means she slept around a ton and then decided she wanted to settle down with a simp at age 38 and have a retarded kid or two. That's always what it means.