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They act like the video doesn't exist.

They act like the video doesn't exist.

(post is archived)

[–] 9 pts

Just fuck you fucking God damn piece of shit.

So your theory is calling a black person a monkey means they can basically attack anyone because mhuuuhhh jews made up a word called racism<<< which in every species race sub species is just normal reaction to something that looks different then you! Period.

You fucking long winded blow hard kike gamma go to reddit and spew your shit. If you touch me with a finger or poke my chest that is assault! Period no words can ever cause a human harm you fucking bitch

[–] [deleted] 3 pts

You can be mad all you want but CHIRO is right. Take what he said and imagine you're in a courtroom with some nog judge and a jury full of brainwashed woke people and tell me that's not exactly how it's going to play out.

This dude is going to get fucked over. And before you start with your name calling know that I'm not saying I think he should get fucked over. I'm being realistic in saying that he will.

[–] 1 pt

He will lose in court for the crime of being white and telling the truth.

My point is the truth the logos he did nothing wrong if the races were reversed this would be a giant nothing burger

we don't have nigger judges in Australia.... only jews

you sound privileged as hell if you are so inexperienced with niggerdom to think that even talking about monkeys in front of them -aS a WhItE pErSoN- won’t cause a chimp out. fucking sheltered ass white people. good for you man. it must be nice.

[–] 0 pt

Ohh no I played college basketball junior college one year then div 2... I absolutely know all about the God damn chimp out situation it is pretty fucking crazy

Australia had no niggers at all really until about 2010 thanks to kevin rudd trying to be a cool cuck for negrobama

[–] 1 pt

Although I'd like to call people nigger all day long, if a nigger punches me in the face after I call him a nigger, there isn't a jurisdiction in America that wouldn't let him go, and furthermore, I'm willing to bet that more than a quarter of them would charge me for calling him a nigger and instigating a fight.

[–] -1 pt (edited )

Go back to Owen and Teddy's streams, with your ignorant labels, and drink some turpentine. Your comment is beyond retarded.

If you touch me with a finger or poke my chest that is assault!


[–] 2 pts

That's actually the law. The second someone touches you, that's assault and you're within your legal rights to defend yourself. Private property or not, you can still get hit with trespassing and all that shit. However, the security guard ripped the dude's shirt before the dude clocked him, this is clear cut self defense.

[–] 0 pt (edited )

The guard tore Sewell's shirt, but notice how both men go to the ground at one point. The shirt could have been torn at any point after the exchange began. The question is: who initiated the assault?

I pointed to the fact that there is no video evidence that the guard assaulted the cameraman. Let's be charitable and say the guard became frustrated and put a hand on the shoulder of the cameraman to begin 'directing him' toward the door. That's not out of the question. But we can't jump to the conclusion that the guard threw a punch at the cameraman. Whether what the guard actually did (which we cannot see) rises to the level of assault or not, it's not within Sewell's rights to begin attacking the guard if what the guard did was put his hands on the cameraman. Let's also acknowledge that when we are dealing with a security guard, whose job it is to keep an environment secure, there might be a little latitude given to him (especially if he has a clean professional record) not to assault people, but forgiving him if he places his open hand on someone's shoulder for instance.

Whatever went on between the guard and the cameraman, Sewell wasn't the one threatened here, and if Sewell threw the first punch at the guard, he's wrong.

Listen, I understand the frustration over this. The first time I watched the video I was frustrated as well. But step back from it a little ways and consider what's actually going on here. The security guard is paid to do what he did here. He doesn't want to. Nobody wants to deal with this shit. It's his job. On top of having to jump in and deal with two instigators that nobody else wants to deal with, he gets called a fucking monkey on top of everything else.

These guys were trespassing, and when the security guard tried to escort them out of the building (which he did at first through verbal commands), the cameraman called him a monkey and <maybe or maybe not> the guard 'assaulted' the cameraman. Either way, does that mean Sewell can come over and start throwing punches? Probably not.

From the standpoint of common sense, Sewell should have known neither of them were going to get away with this unless they could show the guard had literally attacked them (forget the legal definition of assault). It's fairly obvious to me that's not what happened, and so Sewell is going to get fucked over for this. He should have been smart and left the building when he was asked to, and if he'd wanted to escalate this, he should have gone and collected more people to go 'stage a protest'. Attacking a black man on the job is patently retarded in this day and age. I have no sympathy for Sewell in this case.

[–] 2 pts

You want to know what's really pathetic, you trying to defend the dancing porch monkey, and these slanderous cowards.

They'll run hit pieces on people, fill in the blanks and just bypass the primary source, that's called making shit up. That's not journalism, that's propaganda. You defending that is pretty telling. You defending those pathetic cowards who hide in their office, and have their diversity thug, muscle out inconvenience is truly, truly pathetic.

[–] 0 pt (edited )

Way to think like a Leftist, man. At no point did I defend the journalists covering this story or the people working for that media company. But, okay.

[–] 0 pt

Even a slight use of force can be considered assault if it is offensive physical contact. So the answer to the question is yes, slight force actions like a push or a shove can qualify for domestic violence if it is offensive to the victim. Also when giving your statement, if you admit to shoving or pushing, that’s also evidence against you.


or are you literally retarded?

[–] 0 pt

I can't make the points I've already made any clearer. This argument is not about the definition of assault, but if it makes you feel good to 'correct me' about it, then I'm glad to give you the opportunity.