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They act like the video doesn't exist.

They act like the video doesn't exist.

(post is archived)

[–] 1 pt (edited )

The thing is: he was wrong. It shouldn't have happened. The Daily Mail spin is ridiculous in the sense that they are portraying the attack as occurring while Sewel is 'storming' the premises. That is blatantly false. They were in the process of leaving.

The problem is Sewell's buddy called a black man a monkey during an already tense situation, and despite the fact there is no evidence the security guard assaulted the cameraman, Sewell is seen laying fists into the guard's face. From the video I've seen, the guard more than likely began 'shoving' the cameraman toward the door. There is zero evidence the guard attacked the cameraman in the common sense.

Sewell is fucked for this because he is a moron. He made a spectacle on private property and was escorted to the door by security. His friend insulted the guard and the guard probably shoved him toward the door. Sewell wasn't justified here to attack the guard.

Of course, most at Poal won't be rational about this. Whatever. Downvote me.

Sewell should know better than most what our predicament is in this culture. There is no possibility, even with people seeing the actual video, where he won't be viewed as the instigator. This little 'effort' accomplished nothing. Worse, it's terrible fucking press, and for what, Sewell's two minutes of filming himself insulting a company from the lobby? The only video evidence is of Sewell assaulting a professional security guard doing what he is paid to fucking do. This whole thing was obscenely retarded.

Edit: See my comment here.

[–] 9 pts

Just fuck you fucking God damn piece of shit.

So your theory is calling a black person a monkey means they can basically attack anyone because mhuuuhhh jews made up a word called racism<<< which in every species race sub species is just normal reaction to something that looks different then you! Period.

You fucking long winded blow hard kike gamma go to reddit and spew your shit. If you touch me with a finger or poke my chest that is assault! Period no words can ever cause a human harm you fucking bitch

[–] [deleted] 3 pts

You can be mad all you want but CHIRO is right. Take what he said and imagine you're in a courtroom with some nog judge and a jury full of brainwashed woke people and tell me that's not exactly how it's going to play out.

This dude is going to get fucked over. And before you start with your name calling know that I'm not saying I think he should get fucked over. I'm being realistic in saying that he will.

[–] 1 pt

He will lose in court for the crime of being white and telling the truth.

My point is the truth the logos he did nothing wrong if the races were reversed this would be a giant nothing burger

we don't have nigger judges in Australia.... only jews

you sound privileged as hell if you are so inexperienced with niggerdom to think that even talking about monkeys in front of them -aS a WhItE pErSoN- won’t cause a chimp out. fucking sheltered ass white people. good for you man. it must be nice.

[–] 0 pt

Ohh no I played college basketball junior college one year then div 2... I absolutely know all about the God damn chimp out situation it is pretty fucking crazy

Australia had no niggers at all really until about 2010 thanks to kevin rudd trying to be a cool cuck for negrobama

[–] 1 pt

Although I'd like to call people nigger all day long, if a nigger punches me in the face after I call him a nigger, there isn't a jurisdiction in America that wouldn't let him go, and furthermore, I'm willing to bet that more than a quarter of them would charge me for calling him a nigger and instigating a fight.

[–] -1 pt (edited )

Go back to Owen and Teddy's streams, with your ignorant labels, and drink some turpentine. Your comment is beyond retarded.

If you touch me with a finger or poke my chest that is assault!


[–] 2 pts

That's actually the law. The second someone touches you, that's assault and you're within your legal rights to defend yourself. Private property or not, you can still get hit with trespassing and all that shit. However, the security guard ripped the dude's shirt before the dude clocked him, this is clear cut self defense.

[–] 2 pts

You want to know what's really pathetic, you trying to defend the dancing porch monkey, and these slanderous cowards.

They'll run hit pieces on people, fill in the blanks and just bypass the primary source, that's called making shit up. That's not journalism, that's propaganda. You defending that is pretty telling. You defending those pathetic cowards who hide in their office, and have their diversity thug, muscle out inconvenience is truly, truly pathetic.

[–] 0 pt

Even a slight use of force can be considered assault if it is offensive physical contact. So the answer to the question is yes, slight force actions like a push or a shove can qualify for domestic violence if it is offensive to the victim. Also when giving your statement, if you admit to shoving or pushing, that’s also evidence against you.


or are you literally retarded?

[–] [deleted] 0 pt (edited )

do you know what the saying "dance monkey dance" means? it is not specific to black people. it means that someone is being shown as the lackey that they are.

[–] 1 pt

Totally, and we can be certain that he meant no racist implications when saying it to the black guy (/s). You wanna do pilpul or do you wanna use common sense?

it is not anyone's fault that the hired beef is too stupid to be up on verbiage. i don't give a shit about the clutches pearls optics. it is past optics now.

but one has to admire mandigo's slavish devotion. and is widdle baby in de hospital? playing games.

and the (((anti white media))) has made it 100% about race... the whole incident

[–] 0 pt

I understand your point, but I don't think you understand what Sewell was trying to accomplish. I don't understand either. From his rant I understand that he doesn't like to be called a terrorist and I think he knows he is viewed negatively by many regardless as a racist and I think he doesn't care.

In my view Sewell acted as you could anticipate but I expect better from the guard.

Maybe Sewell just wanted publicity and got what he wanted.

[–] 0 pt

Nigger was getting all smug, standing really close to the cameraman as they walked outside. Nigger was talking some shit, touching the cameraman, so the cameraman made a comment- "Yeah, dance monkey, dance!" or however he said it.

This tripped the "chimp out" switch in that nigger. "I ain't no fuckin' monkey", he shouts as he shoves the cameraman with both hands. This prompted Sewell to launch his attack, grabbing the nigger and grappling for a moment before creating space and throwing a few punches.

Nigger "security" guard should have thicker skin. I've done security gigs. People say all kinds of shit to you- but you need to keep your cool and not do anything to them until they present some kind of threat.

This was absolutely provocation, but verbal provocation is not an excuse to put your hands on someone, unless they're threatening you. Niggers get away with this shit all the time, all around the world. And here's our problem: WE PLAY BY THE RULES. THEY DON'T. THIS IS WHY WE ARE LOSING EVERY FUCKING WAR.

Niggers and faggot Whites chimp out- they get what they demand. Principled, civilized White people use their words and absolutely refuse to chimp out- everything we get is taken from us by the government and given to the chimpers.

This incident would not have made the news if it was a nigger talking shit to a White security guard, and then 5 nogs jumped and murdered the guard. How do I know this? Because I've fucking seen it happen. Sewell picked this "news" outlet's building because he knew it would get eyeballs. I don't think he was looking for a fight, but he's in deep shit because of retarded hate speech/hate crime laws.

[–] 1 pt (edited )

Hey, at least your interpretation is reasoned. What I'll agree with is that the guard did stand very close to the cameraman in the beginning. But one thing we don't know is whether or not the situation caught on camera truly began at the moment the camera began rolling. Perhaps the security guard had already had words with these two, gone to speak with a building manager, and this was his second encounter with Sewell and the other man. We just don't know.

I'll disagree with your claim that the guard was 'talking shit' on the way to the main doors. I've watched the video three times, and I don't hear any indication that he is doing anything beside issuing orders. We also don't ever see the guard touch the cameraman. The guard causes the cameraman to become irritated by doing that cocky little dance for the camera. It was harmless - if unprofessional - but it was clear that this demonstration was the only thing that prompted the cameraman to make the monkey comment.

The first evidence I see that the guard did anything like potentially put his hands on the cameraman was the first instance where the camera drops to his side. Whatever 'jarring' motion we can sense at this point is nothing like what we'd expect if the cameraman had gotten clocked. He was probably shoved.

The guard never shouts. When he returns, "I ain't no fuckin monkey", he isn't shouting.

I think the best bet is that the guard probably shoved the cameraman and Sewell responded by taking the guard to the ground. I still stand behind everything I've said so far: Sewell was a moron for how he handled this.

I'd agree that if the guard put any hands on the cameraman, he was wrong. That was not my point. My point was this was the wrong time for Sewell to turn this into a self-defense case when it obviously didn't need to go that way. Again, no evidence at all the guard did anything more than a shove, at most.

I agree with you about everything you've said re: niggers getting away with shit the media doesn't allow us to. Fine. The battles we pick need to be intelligent ones, not rash and compulsive. Staging a little scene like this and then only capturing yourself beating the fuck out of a black man on the job does not constitute 'not playing by the rules' in any way that's strategic. Sewell's example will be used against us - it isn't galvanizing any positive momentum in white people.

I'm at a point where I feel: if you aren't following in the example of St. T, then your little spectacles are ineffectual dick fluffing. Do something, or fucking stand back, because anything in between is probably counterproductive.

[–] 1 pt

I think the best bet is that the guard probably shoved the cameraman and Sewell responded by taking the guard to the ground.

Agreed, Sewell and his faggy cameraman definitely came to this place with the intention of making a scene. After he realized he wasn't getting what he came for, and emotions got amped up, they were told to leave... and then the cameraman had to run his fucking mouth.

Civilized, rational people would say "Even if he called him a dancing monkey, he should not have pushed him". But we live in Clown World, where insulting a brown person in a racial manner is essentially a free pass for the nigger to do whatever they feel like. Usually, it's a killing or vicious beating. Here, it was just a shove... but it's almost like Sewell was just waiting for this moment.

I do not believe Sewell would've leapt into action like that if the nigger didn't grab the cameraman or otherwise physically engage him- it's hard to see from the cameraman's angle. He knows he's already on thin ice just for being White, not to mention a White Nationalist; he wouldn't attack a nigger in public like this out of nowhere for no reason. I'm sure the buildings in the area have caught the entire incident from multiple angles, so we'll see for sure what happened.

Really though... if Sewell had like 30 other White men there with him, I might support this. All he accomplished was getting himself into a shitload of trouble, and the fucking cameraman.. Sewell needs to fire him. Not only does he suck at filming, but he tries to insert himself into the story he's filming. I'd wager anything that the cameraman would never have spoken to a nigger like that if he didn't have a Chad like Sewell nearby to back him up.

[–] 0 pt

Ok but the nog still can't push someone who's leaving and already out of the building unless they make an actionable threat.

[–] 0 pt


Rules only matter in a just society.

especially in victoria which is run by a jew loving communist premier faggot... and the worst police out of the whole country. it wasn't the smartest move.