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They act like the video doesn't exist.

They act like the video doesn't exist.

(post is archived)

[–] 0 pt

. We saw what happened when the hype was built around the January 6th protests,

I think 1/6/2021 will go down as an infamous day in American history- the day where hundreds of thousands of Americans OBEYED UNCONSTITUTIONAL ORDERS FROM THEIR NEWLY INSTALLED, ILLEGALLY ELECTED TYRANT and didn't arm themselves.

They were right fucking there. Back in the '60s, 24 niggers from the Black Panthers stormed the same building... with rifles. What happened then? They took it, and held it. They made demands of the terrified kike/shabbos goy politicians. They posed for photo ops in a display of power. And they got everything they fucking demanded.

Not bringing weapons to a protest is absurd, especially in a "protest" of this nature- 1/6 should've been a counter-coup where armed patriots rounded up all of their "representatives" and made them answer for their crimes. Instead, they meekly obeyed their tyrant- "Don't bring guns to my tyrant-installation, please."

I use this analogy when I'm talking to people about this- imagine if, around 300 years ago, there were a bunch of colonists who were sick of a British king's bullshit, so they started stockpiling weapons. A large cache was located in a place called... oh, idk, let's just say Boncord. The British troops near Boncord learned about this weapons cache, and mobilized to go and seize it. But before doing so, a letter was sent to all of the men who are pissed off at the king: "Dear colonists, please do not bring weapons to Boncord when I send my men to come seize them from you. Thanks, XOXO King George"

I think you get the gist.