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Think of it this way. These two rallies have been used by the jews in the media and the jewish system to further destroy us, lock us up and tighten their police state. They haven't paid off in any way. I am not an optics guy. What I am saying is that IF we are going to organize then we need to do it right. Either we show up armed and ready to go or we're better off staying home and spreading propaganda on the net/public. Trying to win peacefully is a faded memory.

There is no political solution to this. Anything we do will be considered evil by the jewish system and media. We cannot win over the normies with optics. We will either have to go at it alone or organize a group and go in unannounced. Period. Those bureaucrats were scared beyond their minds by a mob of Whites that were unarmed. Imagine if that same amount of Whites were organized and had guns. A lot of the battle would have already been over. Tell me your thoughts frens.

Think of it this way. These two rallies have been used by the jews in the media and the jewish system to further destroy us, lock us up and tighten their police state. They haven't paid off in any way. I am not an optics guy. What I am saying is that IF we are going to organize then we need to do it right. Either we show up armed and ready to go or we're better off staying home and spreading propaganda on the net/public. Trying to win peacefully is a faded memory. There is no political solution to this. Anything we do will be considered evil by the jewish system and media. We cannot win over the normies with optics. We will either have to go at it alone or organize a group and go in unannounced. Period. Those bureaucrats were scared beyond their minds by a mob of Whites that were unarmed. Imagine if that same amount of Whites were organized and had guns. A lot of the battle would have already been over. Tell me your thoughts frens.

(post is archived)

[–] 5 pts

Nah man you can be white and protest, you just have to wear a vagina hat and rally for causes that actually work against your best interests. Easy peasy.

[–] 1 pt

I see what you did there lol.

[–] 3 pts

Don't forget that these greedy crooked politicians aren't just accumulating wealth and power for themselves but also their family. If they take our families' futures then it seems fair game to take theirs.

[–] 0 pt

Once this boulder starts rolling down the hill nothing will be able to stop it. It's just a matter of how to push it hard enough for it to speed down the hill......

[–] [deleted] 3 pts

A lot were armed in cville.

[–] 1 pt

Then shame on them for not pulling the trigger.

[–] 2 pts

You might as well go for the high score. Penalty is the same anyway.

[–] 2 pts

well, DC was hardly a peaceful demonstration. Expect people to shoot at you when you attack a federal building, what do you expect?

there are plenty of demonstrations by white people, it just seems that right-wing extremists cannot do that.

[–] 1 pt

It keeps happening. Whites show up to a protest, treat it like a fun party with friends, and the media spins it as if it was another 9/11. (((They))) want whites dead, and are doing everything in their power to cause it, and Whites are partying like nothing is going on.

I'm just wondering how long before whites wake up to this, and finally decide to be the sons of a bitches the Jews portray them as.

[–] 1 pt

Exactly. I would like to know because this is getting tiresome.

[–] 1 pt

A c/p from another comment of mine

The media use their influence to wedge any popular movement away from the general public that won't play within the permitted two party system. Doesn't matter if it';s left or right flavored. Let me give you an example from 2011-3 OWS which questioned income inequality challenging the core of the economic system. Part of the OWS strategy included many of the points raised in your opening discussion, large movement, leaderless, without fixed goals, confronting an extremely hostile NYPD and city govt. They asked for permission to install porta potties at Zucotti, and the city said fuck off. Then the press follows the protesters around with their cameras and calls them "animals" for doing their dooty in the streets. Same with the takeover at Maheur BLM buildings in support of Clive Bundy. They asked for supplies and the press goes crazy with the idea to send them lube and then mocks the well lubricated occupiers until Finnicum is killed.

Now, what to do about it is another thing. First, you have to get control of your media, so parler, gab, etc. In OWS days, the script kiddies at Anonymous were helpful in publicizing issues as they came up. Now it's harder because in order to build a large coalition to actually fix the roots of the problem, it's going to take all of us together, and not just the skin heads and Nunes on parler. Boycotts are not really effective any more. For example, how do you target Soros or Koch when they don't actually produce any labeled product? Why move? There are coalition members in the People's Republic of Santa Monica too. Find them and talk to them. Find common ground. I like the misnamed Patriot Act that all the pols keep reauthorizing that we can all hate on. But you can think of others. Put down the obviously divisive issues that they use to drive us apart. I'll trade you gun control for abortion restrictions, okay?

Violence is a tough issue. The neo libs have spent large trying to make any violence, even property damage illegitimate tactics for social change. There is a writer who is a whole lot smarter than I who believes that non-violence supports the state. https://theanarchistlibrary.org/library/peter-gelderloos-how-nonviolence-protects-the-state When I have been at protests, I have seen how a diversity of tactics (some militant types) protect the main group of protesters by drawing the attention of the po away from the moms with their kids. Thanks for your service. An example that Mr. Gelderloos uses is to think back to the origins of this country and the property damage done to a whole bunch of innocent tea in the Boston harbor. So I won't tsk-tsk when you break some windows, just don't endanger the peaceful types by hiding among them, and take your lumps for the team gracefully that you can expect will come from the police state.

Finally, this is a movement, not a moment; a marathon, not a sprint. I know we are all used to a news feed that changes every 2 hours, but we can't lose focus on our to do.

[–] 0 pt

Finally, this is a movement, not a moment; a marathon, not a sprint

This marathon is just getting started