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The Jew has always been a subversive parasite. Since the days of Cicero, Vespasian, Martin Luther etc, scholarly statesmen of good moral standards warned the world of the evil that exists inside the jew. The jew has been an integral component to the majority of wars since 68CE, the minority portion of remaining wars the jew was in the background. The jew is no friend of the White Caucasian race, the GOYIM, he is the " STOCK OF ABRAHAM " as are his " MUSLIM HEBREW BROTHERS ", both of which almost destroyed the remnants of the " HOLY ROMAN EMPIRE " , THE CAUCASUS REGION , THE RUSSIAN EMPIRE, GREECE AND MACEDONIA , AZERBAIJAN AND ARMENIA. The jew was the reason for the SPANISH INQUISITION in 1478, the deity of deceit has been expelled from over 100 countries in the last 2 Millennia, his expulsion was not due to his altruistic nature nor was it because of a selective hate for his racial type, his
" SKIN COLOR " was of no consequence...the " STOCK OF ABRAHAM " was expelled approximately 1,400 times in 2,000 years from the World's economies because of no morals, subversive motives, avericious intent and superiority complex. The jew was persona non grata for a reason and history has proof of it. The Industrialized 1st world, once dominated by the " S.A.N.E. " RACE, ( SLAVIC ANGLO NORDIC EUROPEAN ) is almost at the point of no return after decades of psychological warfare where the (((MEDIA, HOLLYWOOD, ACADEMIA, MONEY))) has been weaponized against us....but nobody cared. Now look at where we are, this is not going to be easy to get out of. Do you think the fucking jew actually gives one flying fuck about being called a " HYMIE KIKE YID SCHLOMO GHETTO RAT? The filthy jew laughs while we're at each other's throats. Jews are worthless and unlikable and they got the upper hand, retaliatory measures are almost futile. Very perplexed with this fucking situation we find ourselves in.

The Jew has always been a subversive parasite. Since the days of Cicero, Vespasian, Martin Luther etc, scholarly statesmen of good moral standards warned the world of the evil that exists inside the jew. The jew has been an integral component to the majority of wars since 68CE, the minority portion of remaining wars the jew was in the background. The jew is no friend of the White Caucasian race, the GOYIM, he is the " STOCK OF ABRAHAM " as are his " MUSLIM HEBREW BROTHERS ", both of which almost destroyed the remnants of the " HOLY ROMAN EMPIRE " , THE CAUCASUS REGION , THE RUSSIAN EMPIRE, GREECE AND MACEDONIA , AZERBAIJAN AND ARMENIA. The jew was the reason for the SPANISH INQUISITION in 1478, the deity of deceit has been expelled from over 100 countries in the last 2 Millennia, his expulsion was not due to his altruistic nature nor was it because of a selective hate for his racial type, his " SKIN COLOR " was of no consequence...the " STOCK OF ABRAHAM " was expelled approximately 1,400 times in 2,000 years from the World's economies because of no morals, subversive motives, avericious intent and superiority complex. The jew was persona non grata for a reason and history has proof of it. The Industrialized 1st world, once dominated by the " S.A.N.E. " RACE, ( SLAVIC ANGLO NORDIC EUROPEAN ) is almost at the point of no return after decades of psychological warfare where the (((MEDIA, HOLLYWOOD, ACADEMIA, MONEY))) has been weaponized against us....but nobody cared. Now look at where we are, this is not going to be easy to get out of. Do you think the fucking jew actually gives one flying fuck about being called a " HYMIE KIKE YID SCHLOMO GHETTO RAT? The filthy jew laughs while we're at each other's throats. Jews are worthless and unlikable and they got the upper hand, retaliatory measures are almost futile. Very perplexed with this fucking situation we find ourselves in.

(post is archived)