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[–] [Sticky] 11 pts (edited )
  1. - 1. March 19, 2020: Covid is removed from the list of high-consequence infectious diseases (HCIDs) in the UK.


  1. 6 August 2021: The death rate among vaccinated is five times greater than the unvaccinated. But why? If the vaccine produces ADE (Antibody Dependent Enhancement) it weakens the immune system, making it easier for people to get sick and die.

(Thanks to @Vigilant for the original pdf link)




[–] 14 pts (edited )

People could use that markdown formatting as well

Date Event/Link Archive
17/11/19 1st known case of coronavirus traced in China (livescience.com) archived (archive.md)
31/12/19 First confirmed case of COVID-19 found in U.S. (history.com) archived (archive.md)
04/09/21 [Video] NBA Player Andrew Bogut: "I was offered money to promote lockdowns." mirrors
[–] 5 pts

oh that actually looks quite smart

[–] 6 pts

This guy likes tables☝️

[–] 6 pts

6 August 2021: The death rate among vaccinated is five times greater than the unvaccinated. But why? If the vaccine produces ADE (Antibody Dependent Enhancement) it weakens the immune system, making it easier for people to get sick and die.

The link shows a higher death rate among the vaccinated who have a "breakthrough" infection. That's a different number than the death rate among the population of vaccinated individuals because the risk of infection is lower. Coincidentally, the risk of infection is just low enough to offset the increased risk of death for those who are infected. The aggregated risk of death among the population of vaccinated and unvaccinated actually remains about constant, which is still a huge ding against the vaccines.

[–] 19 pts (edited )
[–] 7 pts

6/28/17 World Bank Launches First-Ever Pandemic Bonds to Support $500 Million Pandemic Emergency Financing Facility https://www.worldbank.org/en/news/press-release/2017/06/28/world-bank-launches-first-ever-pandemic-bonds-to-support-500-million-pandemic-emergency-financing-facility 10/18/2019 Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation hosted Event 201, a high-level pandemic exercise on October 18, 2019, in New York, NY https://www.centerforhealthsecurity.org/event201/ 10/25/2019 Joe Biden announces on Twitter, "We are not ready for a pandemic" https://twitter.com/joebiden/status/1187829299207954437?lang=en

There is a video of Joe Biden mentioning the pandemic in October of 2019, explaining it would be the end of Trump, who was not prepared. It's the most damning piece of evidence that the COVAIDS was planned.

Sierra Leone experienced lockdowns previously; a practice run for COVID.

In April 2020, the WHO was accessed, revealing that they had been studying (for years) how many beds they would need to take up in each country to "overwhelm" their healthcare systems. This proves the WHO is weaponized against all countries and seeks to circumvent legislation and due process to crush economies.

If I had more time, this morning, I'd help with this, as it is important. It is very easy to demonstrate the pandemic was planned.

[–] 3 pts

Thanks, I added the Event 201 because the "exercise" started the same day the Wuhan Military Games started.

[–] 5 pts

In my mind, the coronavirus scare tactics were already in practice with Zika, Ebola, Swine Flu, Avian Flu, etc.

In 2017, the International Monetary Fund, the World Bank and the World Health Organization all decided that "coronavirus," specifically should be included in the pandemic bonds. The pandemic bonds are the proof that this was all planned and it clues everyone in as to how these plans of the elite are signaled to other "stakeholders" as they call them; but you will see that 'stakeholder' will essentially mean 21st Century Sharecropper.

In the midst of all of this, the Medical Industrial Complex was already slow gaming how to get around legislation to impose totalitarian edicts. While paying billions in fines over corrupt and unethical practices, the mainstream media proves the game by backing these criminals unquestioningly.

In 2019, the Gates Foundation released a video (of which the link is difficult to find atm) that showed a "respiratory illness" was about to sweep the world and kill millions.

Shortly thereafter, in 2019, the World Economic Forum partners ("stakeholders") all had a massive round table that explained how they would handle a pandemic. This was another signal on how corporations could participate in the NWO plan to increase their stake.

Shortly after the corporations lined out their plan, Joe Biden was let in on the secret and said on video (October 2019), in front of a live audience, that the pandemic would be something Trump would not be able to handle. He reiterated this on Twitter.

Not everyone got the memo, though, and some mixed signals were sent. Nancy Pelosi told people to hug a Chinese person.

In February 2020, ZeroHedge kicked off the bioweapon scare by releasing an article that was heavily censored over the Internet. It alleged that HIV was part of the SARS COV 2 genome. This was, technically, incorrect information. However, the source of the information was directly from Dr. Fauci's emails which wouldn't be accessed by activists for another two months. FOIA released redacted portions in 2021, confirming ZeroHedge's source for the information, publicly. A crackpot sent a very detailed email that ZeroHedge, essentially, used. They could not have known this if they hadn't already seen the email.

Meanwhile, MSM has stuck hard to the talking point that it came from a wet market in Wuhan, next to the bioweapons lab that is funded by the US elite; suggesting that Wuhan is a cut out (aka "proprietary") for the Five Eyes, 20 Mouths intelligence conglomerate.

It wasn't until later that the intelligence community entertained the idea that COVID was a bioweapon.

The wording is important, as COVID is a set of symptoms and not the virus SARS COV 2. There is no such thing as a biological test for COVID nor can there be a COVID vaccine. In theory, one would test for SARS COV 2 and vaccinate for SARS COV 2. The mix up in wording is intentional to keep people uninformed.

COVID is neither a virus, neither is SARS COV 2 causing deaths that qualify for a pandemic per the WHO's own standards. In fact, it is a propaganda weapon to manipulate policy and maximize profits conducted by a cooperative group of "stakeholders." It's really that simple and nobody needs to really be able to understand the science to prove it wrong as the "lockstep" modus operandum is glaringly obvious.

[–] 1 pt

George Webb was the first person I saw to widely reveal a lot of this about those games and links to spreader events at open concerts.

[–] 0 pt

Got a link to that Biden video?

[–] 2 pts

You could add:

Q3 2019, EU declares that vaccine passports (and other things) are needed in the near future

citation (ec.europa.eu)

[–] 0 pt

I think it's not a smoking gun because there is no word about using vaccine cards as passports. There are some initiatives against "vaccine hesitancy", but they seem unrelated. European politicians are "concerned" that member states lose their measles-free status, but they don't want to name immigration politics:


[–] 1 pt

it is the first row of the first table:

Examine the feasibility of developing a common vaccination card/passport for EU citizens (that takes into account potentially different national vaccination schedules and), that is compatible with electronic immunisation information systems and recognised for use across borders, without duplicating work at national level.

[–] 2 pts

Thanks for sharing!

The work being done in this thread is fantastic. I’m going to try to save as much of this as I can to share it with others, can we pin it up for a while so we can both get some of it organized for our own use, send people here to look at it, and have it filled in as more people contribute?

[–] 1 pt

can we pin it up for a while so we can both get some of it organized for our own use

We are building a long list of all the events with sources and archive links.

We'll make it global sticky later.

[–] 0 pt

Tell me you're retarded without telling me you're retarded

The work being done in this thread is fantastic

[–] 1 pt

Would be great to show pre 2019 COVID-19 patents, pre 2019 vaccine production, and other tidbits,

[–] 2 pts

It is important to trace the origins of the virus, because those who did it will do it again. There may be some clues in scientific papers, patents, a money trail, and a small group of players at the center. But I think that some clues are hidden as state secrets, for example the role of the aerobiology specialists at Ft. Detrick.

[–] 1 pt

That's actually a good idea!

[–] 0 pt

This is good up until you add the part about stealing a meaningless election. Trump sucks as much jewish dick as Biden and all other presidents since JFK

[–] 1 pt

Stealing the election was important to make Trump supporters angry. They want chaos and "domestic terrorism" and their false flags more believable.

[–] 0 pt

Thats a bit of a stretch, im pretty sure they already knew that Trump supporters won't act on their beliefs unlike the left.

[–] 3 pts

"How to keep anti_clutch busy for hours, an AOU original story"

[–] 2 pts

Are you sure this isn't Biden's Afghan evac plan?

[–] 2 pts
Date Title Link
9/3/2004 Study: "Infectious SARS-CoV pseudotyped virus can be assembled in vitro" https://archive.ph/qCw4c
4/3/2015 Bill Gates: The next outbreak? We’re not ready https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6Af6b_wyiwI
11/9/2015 Construction of SARS-like chimeric viruses and gain-of-function research paid by NIH, USAID and the Pentagon front EcoHealth Alliance https://archive.ph/PRyqg
1/11/2017 Fauci: ‘No doubt’ Trump will face surprise infectious disease outbreak https://archive.ph/Gmxzg
2/19/2017 Bill Gates Warns Of Epidemic That Could Kill Over 30 Million People https://archive.ph/n8a3j
6/28/2017 World Bank Launches First-Ever Pandemic Bonds to Support $500 Million Pandemic Emergency Financing Facility https://archive.is/iYCwz
11/30/2017 Further research paid by NIAID and USAID https://archive.ph/9gPO0
5/15/2018 Clade X Exercise https://archive.ph/gJ6qn
9/30/2019 Roadmap for the Implementation of Actions by the European Commission Based on the Commission Communication and the Council Recommendation on Strengthening Cooperation Against Vaccine Preventable Diseases https://pic8.co/sh/2XchR6.png
10/15/2019 Live Simulation Exercise to Prepare Public and Private Leaders for Pandemic Response https://archive.ph/DJmAH
10/18/2019 World Military Games in Wuhan, first rumors about a new virus https://pic8.co/sh/aOvxuE.png
10/18/2019 Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation hosts Event 201 https://archive.ph/LeRV0
10/25/2019 Joe Biden on Twitter: "We are not prepared for a pandemic." https://archive.ph/ZZt5Z
11/17/2019 1st known case of coronavirus traced in China https://archive.md/l0s2t
11/17/2019 Official "1st known case" in China https://archive.ph/Cu9Xu
12/31/2019 First confirmed case of COVID-19 found in U.S. https://archive.md/jsG7s
1/11/2020 Chinese researchers reveal draft genome of virus implicated in Wuhan pneumonia outbreak https://archive.ph/ePaOv
1/28/2020 Wuhan seafood market pneumonia virus isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome http://web.archive.org/web/20200130070550/https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/nuccore/NC_045512
2/28/2020 World Bank's $500m pandemic scheme accused of 'waiting for people to die' https://archive.is/MzGyC
3/12/2020 COVID-19 is the disease, SARS-2-CoV is the virus. https://archive.is/4bke8
3/16/2020 The Coronavirus Hoax https://archive.is/KG6Aa
4/14/2020 Pandemic bond trigger failure shows flaws of relying on reporting by poorest countries https://archive.is/309M4
4/19/2020 World Bank pandemic bonds to pay $133m to poorest virus-hit nations https://archive.is/2WDpP
4/22/2020 Did the data of WHO, Wuhan Institute of Virology, Gates Foundation get hacked? https://archive.is/WRqAg
4/30/2020 ISTC project G-2101: Pentagon biolab discovered MERS and SARS-like coronaviruses in bats http://web.archive.org/web/20200501062311/http://armswatch.com/project-g-2101-pentagon-biolab-discovered-mers-and-sars-like-coronaviruses-in-bats/
5/1/2020 Software released: Phylogenetic Assignment of Named Global Outbreak LINeages for Coronavirus Strains https://archive.ph/UgFEZ
2/8/2021 Dr. Fauci Visited Gay Bathhouses and Bars to Study HIV https://archive.ph/FIudu
6/20/2021 NIH removes data that could enable virologists to trace the origins of the virus https://archive.ph/H0hcG
8/1/2021 General Mark Milley colludes with China to finally overthrow the US government https://archive.ph/lcV47
9/14/2021 China’s most famous defector to America warned US intelligence agencies a coronavirus was spreading in Wuhan https://archive.ph/0palG
11/19/2021 General Mark Milley's Pentagon ignores the warning because it is their virus, created together with the CCP and paid for through the EcoHealth Alliance https://archive.ph/Lr9w5
[–] 2 pts

Kind of off topic but has anyone considered how the mass resignations of of company heads in 2019 may have been related? Perhaps is a "conspiracy" angle but the timing sure is odd.

[–] 1 pt

https://t.me/SnowWhite7IAM/8785 , here is the jab ingredient list. Hot off the press. Also has tracking info. 2 pdfs.

[–] 1 pt

china had anything to do with jewflu besides being the location of US military compounds

Brazen as fuck.

[–] 0 pt

Well they are plotting to conquer the Earth.

[–] 0 pt

Chinks are smart enough to do anything besides fail


China has a rothschild owned central bank

[–] 1 pt (edited )

I'll add a bit to this conversation - some deductions I've reached.

I was following the situation closely on Voat at the beginning of the outbreak in China.

If you look at the sulfur emissions this morning, you will notice Sudbury Ontario takes the lead as the planets largest emitter of sulfur. That's the nickle mines - biggest polluter in the world. You will also see Wuhan is another major polluter, one of the largest in the world, but pollutes at levels between half to two thirds of Sudbury - and that sulfur comes from coal fired power generators.

I mention this now because during the outbreak, sulfur emissions from Wuhan reached levels ten to twenty five times higher than normal levels - from burning human bodies. This went on for 8 weeks or more. February, March, April 2020.

I suspect millions died in Wuhan, and the Chinese military covered it up.

There were no private twitter communications coming out of Wuhan after February 6th - total communications blackout.

Whatever they got hit with, it was not the same virus that was supposed to have spread to the West. We saw the random collapses, the funky chicken shakes, whole families wiped out at home, etc. We didn't see that here, or really anywhere else on the planet. We did not see mass casualties.

China also did not see mass casualties outside of Wuhan and Chongqing. It was only really bad in these two locations, despite infected people from Wuhan having spread the virus across half the country during the Chinese new year annual exodus.

Another possibility is that it was the same virus, however the people of Wuhan and Chongqing had already been pre exposed to another agent of some kind, rendering them more susceptible somehow.

During the initial Chinese medical trials performed in January 2020 of infected patients, before the virus was officially named, the death rate of confirmed infected patients was 47% with an average age of about 55. It mostly killed old people, but it also killed other age groups.

If they were pushing flu shots on this population prior to the outbreak, the contents of those flu shots could have been anything.

Again, notice how the rest of China did not have the same experience. If the actual virus had the lethality it supposedly had in Wuhan, we would have seen much more death in China, and probably elsewhere.

[–] 0 pt (edited )

... ten to twenty five times higher than normal levels - from burning human bodies.

Burning human bodies is not that easy to scale into an industrial level.

We saw the random collapses, the funky chicken shakes

And we were told that these were pictures from China. But whenever we see bad news from China (the economy crashes, the dams will collapse in the next rain, the CCP is failing its people, the revolution will start tomorrow) it's propaganda made in Taiwan or HK.

the death rate of confirmed infected patients was 47%

The case fatality rate was high because people tried to sit it out without treatment.

... the lethality it supposedly had in Wuhan

A few months later they made a study where almost every citizen was tested (10 million - so they still were all there), they found 300 positives (two different PCR tests), and 200 of them with the antibody levels of an actual infection (-> PCR resulted in 1/3 false positives even when double-checked). All of the 200 positives were asymptomatic, and nobody around them got infected. The study showed that the virus is not that dangerous at all, and that asymptomatics don't spread.


[–] 1 pt

Masks fail as a public health measure, but are a great virtue signal and display of slavish obedience. https://www.city-journal.org/do-masks-work-a-review-of-the-evidence

[–] 1 pt

It says they don't work right on the box...

What the fuck is amatter with people?

[–] 1 pt

Both statements are right: * Masks suppress the spread and inhaling of virions (virus particles) * Masks don't stop the virus The pro-maskers cite aerosol studies: Instead of, for example, 1 billion virions, there are only 1 million virions in a room with mask-wearers - a dramatic improvement. And instead of inhaling a 10,000 virions per minute, a mask-wearer only inhales 100 virions per minute. The only problem for the mask-wearer is that 10 virions are enough to get sick. This is shown by a study that looked at super spreader events: People got sick if they were near the spreader or if they were far away, it just doesn't matter how many virions get inhaled.

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